Monday, August 8, 2011

Can you get progressive lenses with no magnification at bottom?

I'm extremely nearsighted, and the thick lenses for my nearsightedness distort my vision up close. My up close vision, however, is excellent, and I'm much more comfortable reading with my normal vision than with magnification. Is it possible to get progressive lenses for distance at top, mid-range in the middle, and plain gl with no magnification at bottom? I've had these gles for 8 months now, and that magnification still annoys me. With my normal vision up close I don't need to find the "sweet spot," but with these lenses I do. I still end up taking them off to read, which is what I was trying to avoid by getting the progressive lenses. It seemed as if the doctor took one look at my age (47) and insisted on giving me the magnification even though I said I wanted just plain gl at bottom. Even in his office I told him the magnification for reading was both unnecessary and annoying. Is it possible to get lenses made this way or not?

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