Friday, August 12, 2011

I shot myself in the foot. Do I need to see a doctor?

I was practicing my quickdraw with my Colt 45 day 'fore yesterday in the family room, when all a sudden the dam thang just went off. Scared the hell out of Momma. She was watching Oprah and now she's a lttle deef. Anyways the bullet went clean through my foot, didn't hit no bones or nothin. I soaked some old rags in kerosene and stuffed in the holes top and bottom of my foot. There don't appear to be no infection...yet. Do you think I should go to town to see the doctor. I ain't got no insurance and no money either. I'll sure be glad when Obama gives everybody free insurance. And what about Moma's hearin. Think she needs to go get that checked or will it come back? She caint' hardly hear Oprah on the TV.

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