Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Was i wrong to forgive?

Okay so me and my friend have been best friends for about 8 years. We literally did everything together. She would come to my house after school until like 6 or 7 and then we'd hang out at school. I'd spend the night at her house every single weekend and we were practically family. Everyone knew that we came together everywhere so whenever one of us got invited somewhere they knew that the other was coming. However, a while ago, we got caught shop lifting. Stupid yes, we know. But when the security was talking to us she kinda threw me under the bus. Asking why SHE was the one getting in trouble, asked if they could show her mom the video surv. She was considered an accomplice because she knew about it, and distracted the lady. But i was the one who had actually put the products in the bag. Our parents had to come pick us up and we each got a fine. She's no longer allowed to come over after school and i can't go to her house anymore. For awhile i was really mad at her and hadn't spoken a word to her for like 3 weeks or something. She sincerely was really sorry and apologized like 30 times.And finally I caved in. Everyone was pretty mad that i forgave her. But they have to know, we've been best friends since kindergarten. Now we're in 8th grade. And that's honestly the only thing that had ever made me stop talking to her. My sister says I'm really stupid for forgiving her but i think that's dumb because her best friend/boyfriend has hurt her 10 times worse. And shes with him now. Anyways, should i have stayed not talking to her, or was i right to forgive her? Also, I'm not looking for a lecture on shop lifting. I already know now that its really stupid and not worth it at all. So thanks.

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