Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why couldn't Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a relationship (pls read b4 answering)?

Jesus had a relationship with many, including mary Magdalene. Whether or not she was a prostitute is of little consequence, Jesus elected to be with those that were socially unaccepted, misfits, diseased, possessed, morally corrupt, impoverished, oppressed, etc..I don't believe she was His companion however, I believe she was one of those He loved and led. God bless.

Has anyone owned both a rusty pirahna and a webber afterburner? any major differences in the way they perform?

I dont have experience with the webber, but ive been riding the rusty piranha for the last two and a half weeks in costa rica. I fell in love with this board the first time I caught a wave. Im riding the 5�8 quad model and I usually take out a 6�2 CI flyer quad. It feels just as stable or more so, catches just about anything and absolutely rips. I could do things after a week on this board that I couldnt do before. Of course boards are preferential and this one happens to really work for me. The quad setup grabs a lot more than any quads I have ridden and still gets speed down the line. I would like to the try the thruster setup be feel it might have to much grab and not enough speed. There is a nice amount of rocker at the nose which I like a lot, im not a huge fan of really flat boards. Im thinking of buying my own back in the states. Im really digging the wider, shorter design as appose to the clic shortboard for everyday surf. Hope this helps.

My sister is due in 4 months and wants me to find a perfect baby name for her as well?

So her husband just walked out on her and left her with 7 kids and one on the way :( so there is Haylee Adayline-12, Brock Xander-10, xavier Thomas-7, Harvey William-7, Hunter Ryder-4, Rylee Gabrielle-2 and Sophia Lily-1. any suggestions she wants a completely different name! not sure on yet ... xoxo thanks

Eye make up for small eyes?

Since you have brown eyes with flecks of green, the best thing to do is go for a smokey look. its like making your eyeliner a bit smudged, like hilary duff. She usually does the smokey eyeliner look. all you have to do is put some eyeliner inside, and apply some eye shadow outside your eyes, dark eyeshadow the same color as your eyeliner. Since you have brown eyes, i would go with a green or a purple, or you could just do brown. dont do black though. if you want a clic look, do a wet liner (brown or black) which is difficult to apply and takes practice, but it goes above your eye, and make the end longer and make it go up a bit. good luck =)

Worldofwarcraft people plz help?

If your ok with doing the most dmg in the long run go with the warlock who has so many spells so many things you can do with a warlock and there the best at pvp. Use a warlock or if you cant handle the non dmg the fastest go with a fire mage who will pack on so much dmg it kills your target before it gets to you. I couldnt quit playing my mage for awhile but my warlock got boring after 65.

What are some endearing (not sappy), old-fashioned nicknames I can call my boyfriend?

Hi there. I'm not really into the whole "pet name" deal but I'd like to show a little affection to my boyfriend (we have been friends for 2 months and have been dating for 1 thus keep that in mind in terms of the degree of affection I'm looking for). What are some old-fashioned nicknames that are endearing but not creepy (e.g. sugar lips, baby, boo bear, etc.) for a beau?

Not able to write data dvds at 16x speed ? what would be the reason ?

i am able to write data contents in DVD re-writable at 2x speed. but when i use DVD to write data contents at 16x speed, i am not able to write anything. do u know the reason. what should i do ?

Does this make me a skank?

No, holding hands and stuff is innocent. You sound quite sensible for your age, don't let people put you down.

What was the name of this movie... I remember a gl/porceline doll. see details for more.?

The girl that owned the doll was dead, a ghost, buried in a crypt. in the end the doll was broken and there were diamonds in the dolls head. I remember that this movie was shown a couple times on Disney in the mid-late 80's.

Good modelling agencies?

Well, I know Storm Model Management is somewhere around there, I think. All you have to do is go to their website (I'm not sure what it's called, just Google Storm Model Management and it'll come up), then all you have to do is send your photo in, they'll eventually get back to you, and it's one of the biggest modeling agencies in the world, so at least you no it's not a scam. I also think Elite Model Management, Wilhelmina Models, and Ford Models might have locations near there, again you can just go to their websites and see (they're also big names in the modeling world, Elite I believe is the biggest modeling agency in the world). Good luck.

Hey evrybdy in school right now slacking off or are you home?

im home, oh something funny ummm.......... its 5am here and about a hour ago, my friend and i were having a conversation and this little white dog pee'd in the front yard and in the middle of our conversation he ran after the dog running and screaming at it while he was explaining how his girlfriend loves him lol

In the Revolution did British officers make thumbscrews out of musket locks, to torture to torture Georgia?

women, wives of "rebels," to force them to reveal the places where their husbands were in hiding

What is wrong with my site? will it ever get better? what can i do to improve sight naturally?

my current eyegl readings are: right eye (OD) sph -300, cyl -125 and axis 10 and the left eye (OS) sph -300, cyl -225 and axis 170...

Muay Thai in Newcastle UK?

Are there any good places to learn Muay Thai in Newcastle upon Tyne bearing in mind that I'm 17 and would be doing it for self-defense and not competition?

My father Is worried he has the measles, I am sure it is just Hives? Any Opinions??

My dad had a severe allergic reaction to Just for men Hair dye, his entire head and face got very swollen with pussing bumps all over his head, also a rash at the testin on his arm. He has been taking benydril for it and now it has almost completly gone, the swelling has almost completly gone down accept around his ears and his head has scabbed over, but is still a bit itchy. He ran out of Benydril yesterday and so he hasnt taken any since then. This morning he woke up and explained to me that he has little red bumps in welts up and down his arms, they are sortof itchy and are red. He explained it as red sorta blotchy- sorta bumpy kinda itchy rash up and down his arms. The worrier that he is, hes terrified he has the measles, but I am pretty much 100% positive it is just hives as a result of not taking the benydril and touching the other bumps from his head then touchin his arms. Any opinions on what it probably is, and what I can tell him to reasure him its not measles? =D

What is the weirdest animal u think? like what animal do u think is unique or ugly, for that matter lol?

i LOVE the platypus so much because it think it is unquie and so original what are some animals that no one like talks about commonly. i just personally discovered the wombat and tasmania devil. (sry i spelt that rong) so what do u think? thanks for ur help

What were some of the achievements made during the pax romana?

im supose to do an essay on the pax romana im half done but i need one more paragraph about there achivements so far ive writen about the achivements in art & architecture,science and medinice,the jand the julian law. so if you know any other achivements that happaned during the pax romana described them dont just list them =) thank you

An Englishman and a Scotsman are in a bar when the Englishman realises his mini skirted wife has no knickers


Is this a scam on Craigslist?

It's a Nigerian scam, do not respond or send any personal info. The small 'i' instead of I is usually a sign of Nigerian scammers, as is any mention of Urgent or certified checks, which are counterfeit.

Hi people i am shahid kapoor (like if>?

tell me why do u think that i love kareeena and keep kissing her evrywhere we go and why i am i such a crazy guy who is scared of kareena my aunt

Need an idea for a "Hero" in my short story!?

In english, we are writing a short story about what a hero is. We have to come up with an original hero (not a superhero) like Ghandi or someone like that. Please help! I'm not that creative haha

Why is it so hard to get a g/f?

So, i've never had a real girlfiend, and im 17 which is kinda embarring. i don't think im hot but ive been told i am cute by some girls. im average height, athletic, and a bit skinny and live in aus. so yeah why cant i get a decent girlfriend. everyones saying girls like nice guys but all the girls go for are the idiots, and most of them are really ratty. like, no matter how hard i try i can't get a g/f. im nice, polite, trustworthy, etc but they just ignore it. How can i get a girlfiend coz im sick of being single and want someone to care for and to hang out with and stuff..? plzzz give me sum opinions oranything, thnx :)

Should I dye my hair light brown?

Right now I'd say my hair is a medium to dark brown. I have dark brown eyes and i'm kinda pale-ish since my tan faded..should I get my hair dyed light brown? or would i look to drab?

What movie is better?

Hereafter or rabbit hole? I'm 14 and a girl I like scary and romantic but that doesn't matter I just wanna know which one is better

Is there a way to make stretch marks less visible with makeup?

Dermablend is the best for covering stretchmarks. Maybe you can put it on heavier, or use a different shade.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Does he really love me?

So im 16 and my boyfriend is 18 and we've have been together for 10 months now and he says that im the one for him. Well im not allowed to date but i still am. I only see him on the weekends at the mall and on weekdays if my homeboy takes me to go see him. We go to two different schools. Well since im not allowed to have a phone he bought me one himself and he got me a $300 promise ring for our 10 month anniversary and an i-pod touch for christmas including other things. We also fight almost everyday nonstop but we think it's because we don't really see each other that much because when we are together we don't fight at all. We're the happiest couple. Sometimes when we fight i wanna leave him and when i do i regret it and he also cries and begs me back and we end up getting back together that same day. we're also both virgins and we want to lose it to each other because we know we're meant to be. I think we're just going through a phase. So does he really love me and want to be with forever.

How is getting your hair straightened bad?

I see people that are like "you are such a faker" but then they go and want to occiate with people with straight hair rather than puffy. and i hate my hair puffy, so what is wrong?

Does this poem make sense to you?

What is it about exactly? I really liked it, I just wish I knew what it was about. Clever and great use of words. Good job, keep up the good work!

Is there a difference bet. taiwan and taiwan(rep.of china)?

Im a philippine pport holder, and i already asked this before, do i need a visa entering taiwan(taipei)? bec. i learned from a friend, that taiwan is different to the taiwan(republic of china)? and there are some researches that i did, and some says that i don't need a visa enetering taiwan, im a little bit of confused? i know that taiwan is diff. to china?its an independent country, but where is taiwan(republic of china)??, can you give me some websites to check to?Taiwan(Taipei) not Taiwan(Rep.of China)

Variation of Dragon Ball (1st Series) Opening Song in Episode 140?

What version of Makafushigi Adventure! was used in Dragon Ball Episode 140 when Goku is warming up before continuing his fight with Tien? Is it available anywhere for download, without dialogue?

Clics that will help me later in school?

Lord of the Flies, A Separate Peace, Jane Eyre, Huckleberry Finn, and The Call of the Wild. For more Shakespeare try Henry the Fifth and get one of his historical plays under your belt-- it's a pretty exciting one.

Do you like this name?

So I am writing a short story about a fictional 14 year old Dauphine of France, and I need names! The two that I like the most were Jacqueline and Raphael what do you think? If you have another name that you like I would love to hear it!

How much does a Woman's Home and Foreign Mission Guide 1940 go for?

My mom found a VERY tattered Woman's Home and Foreign Mission Guide (National Baptist Publications Board) and she wants to know how much it's worth. I couldn't find much on it. I did find something that said it was worth about $10.00. Anybody know?

Job at TCS through reference with less than 60% aggregate?

Hey,i have completed my Engineering with Electronics & Communications stream with an aggregate of less than 60%.Is it possible to get a job with TCS through a reference? The company also recruits from colleges at 55% and will the reference of someone working at higher positions help?

William Ayers, is he a friend of Obama?

Yes. They are tied at the hip. Illinois is a cess pool of corruption and a birth place of extreme left radicalism.

Why didn't Obama get a congress person to add the $53 billion for high speed rail in the ORIGINAL "stimulus"?

the original stim was for billionaires this one is to put us farther in debt by spending money on a failed government project. the railroads like the postal service have been running in the red for years.

What do you do when life is bringin youdown and everything seem wronglike how im doing in school love, freinds

Just understand that nothing lasts forever...hard times p and later on down the road you'll look back and realize it wasn't as bad as it seemed at the time. The only person you can ever really depend on to bring you back up is you so be your own best friend! Smile even when you're not happy and eventually you'll see that you actually start to feel better...

Is Walt Disney's body or head really Cyrogenically frozen somewhere in Disney land?

*laughs* okay first of all, I think your friend may be trying to scare you, it is possible that he demanded to be cryogenically frozen I can't tell you that for sure though. Secondly, why would they keep his body under Disneyland, don't you think it would be a bit creepy for the maintenance to see Walt's dead corpse staring at them everytime they were trying to work on fixing the rides? It is just a myth, his body is probably buried safely somewhere in a private graveyard. No need to worry about Walt's corpse falling on you while riding any of the rides *laughs*

Club song what is it??!??!? Help meeeeee !?

I really want to know what this song is!!! It's playing in clubs in the UK right now, and has a female singer with layered vocals, the sound of her voice is kinda cut up.. and the lyrics are something like i-i-i can fe-e-el my he-ar-r-r-t bre-a-k-ing. It's seems like a pop/dnb song but then the chorus goes quite rocky with a heavy guitar. pleeeease can someone let me know what this song is I've been trying to find it for ages!! Thankyouuuu :)



What's up with my metabolism?

Trust me, in three years you will love your body. Your body gains before it develops, they call it baby fat.

What is the deal with people and Hecate?

I've been trying to figure out what is the big deal about why people have this thing against Hecate. Hecate was originally connected to Persephone and only later was she connected to sorcery, which I think is all because of Circe. So why is it that Hecate was prayed to for protection against Witchcraft in ancient times and yet the church has connected her with witches, like they did with Artemis. I would really like to know and no dumb answers from Christians that don't know anything about Hecate.

What is the life expectancy for some one with pancreatic cancer and who had the whipple procedure?

whipple procedure had been recently performed and this person is still in the hospital but we have been told that it had started to go into a neaby vein the doctors are saying they had got all the cancerbut are not giving us as to how long the survival rate is or how long this person has.

I'm going to upgrade to wireless N. I have some questions :D?

Right now, I have very slow DSL (my maximum wireless download speed is about 160 kilobytes a second....). We have a time warner high speed modem, but right now it has no use since my wireless 2Wire router has a built in modem. If I purchase a wireless N router, would I connect my time warner cable modem to the wireless N router using an ethernet cable? Or....what?

I been having suicidal thoughts and I been really depressed?

I'm 13, my girlfriend broke up with me, never told me why and I see her every day at school. My other ex gave a to my best friend while he was high, no girl really shows to like me anymore (At least girls that I like and that would give me a serious relationship). My grades are pretty bad, And I can't help do homework at home, I'm either too tired, too unentertain, or I just don't feel like it. My parents complain about it to me alot, I'm not a pathetic attention loser. I just feel like I only have 2 friends. I had 120 dollars just yesterday, I paid for me and 2 friends at wendy's and pent 20 dollars. The nI went to a concert and spent 15. Then I bought 2 shirts and a jacket. the jacket my friend took it and has to pay me back 30 dollars, I feel like he won't pay me back , and I have no money left, and I don't how to keep it away from my parents to find out. Lately I just been having depression thoughts, idk why, it's not enough to be depress. I just started having suicidal thoughts too, and everytime any one tries to mess with me, I end up beating them up. At gym, at school, we were playing dodgeball, this kid got me out right as we went in, and I literally beat the crap out of him. I just don't know what to do anymore.

What job's can i get at 14?

It depends where you're from, like the other guy said McDonalds, except most McDonalds, atleast in the US don't let you work til 16 and you have to fill out paperwork. It's pretty tuff to get a job at 14 unless you know people. No offense but your age group is pretty immature, also there isn't much labor you can do at 14 that the company wouldn't be at risk. your best bet would be to get your name out there as a babysitter, that or shovel driveways and mow lawns. i know it sucks but it's hard getting a job at 14. it's hard getting a job at 20!! NO ONE'S HIRING EVER!

Which insurance plan is better for us?

My wife and I have an insurance plan, PPO, with $30,000 max coverage. We can get an HMO plan with $90,000 coverage, for less money. Is there a reason we shouldn't take the HMO? I am 65 she is 58.

Which list is better my partners or mine?

Well there are names on both list that I like and there are names on both list that I dislike... I Love the names Grace, Evangeline, Audrey, and Lillian from you like but I dislike the others.. And I love the names Rachel and Chloe from you boyfriends list.. so I guess I like your list better...

How do I use spices?

I have a rack full of stuff....Thyme, rosemary, basil, tarragon etc... but I have no idea how to or what to use this stuff on. Please HELP! I LOVE to eat and want to use these spices when I cook...since I bought them!

Should I attend my dad's wedding?

no matter whats happened hes your dad ! i would invite him therefore no regrets and no one then can turn around and say you never invited him x

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Name help please!?

The only names I like are Erin,Rebecca,and Jenelle. The names I dislike the most is Callista and Corinne

Does anybody still respect iron sights?

When my wife and daughter seem to think they are more accurate with my Ruger 10/22 with a red dot scope, I pull out my Marlin Golden 39A with iron sights, and show them how to get 10 shots to touch. When some jacka$$ tells me that he can out shoot me and my Winchester 94 with iron sights, I ask him how deep his pockets are, and walk away richer than when I arrived. My brother has a Remington target master single shot .22lr that I can almost would swear that all you have to do is look at the target and it does the rest, you don't even need the iron sights. Yes I still respect and love iron sights.

Physics, focusing a camera?

To focus a camera on objects at different distances, the converging lens is moved toward or away from the film, so a sharp image always falls on the film. A camera with a telephoto lens (f = 180 mm) is to be focused on an object located first at a distance of 3.25 m and then at 50.6 m. Over what distance must the lens be movable?

So now that we have the "Missing Link" and yet another specimen in the long list of transitional fossils...?

Cool, a really old little rat-like-thing. I doubt that they'll shut up, they don't understand how gradualism works. You find a link between amphibians and diapsids, they say "where's the link between the link and the amphibians". They wouldn't accept it until you found every individual throughout history.

Oxygen chamber for rabbit?

My rabbit got attacked by my dog. Ill make sure she never gets in the rabbit's pen again. Soon after, she started wheezing, then her eyes became watery and she bled from her nose. This was on a saturday and the vet wasn't open on weekends. On monday (yesterday) I took her to the vet who put her on some oxygen, gave her 0.6 cc of antibiotics, and some fluids. I took some antibiotics home to give her every 12 hours. The vet recommended that I rent an oxygen tank and mask at a medical supply place, and most of the ones I call are not respitory licensed. The ones that are just have a concentrator that I can rent for a week. After calling the pet hospital back I spoke to another vet who said that he doubts I can get an oxygen tank that will last long enough (atleast 24 hours) and that I'd need to put her in an enclosed box (not completely airtight) and this is somehow supposed to give her more oxygen than being outside, or in a well ventilated room? Is giving her Nyquil a bad idea?

Need help identifying Japanese movie?

I believe it's a live-action version of an anime, but I can't remember. It was made post-2000. There is a boy and girl in high school, and the girl suddenly finds out she is a cyborg/government weapon meant to save the world from invading forces. While she wants to be a normal girl and carry on with her life, she realizes she was meant to help humanity and sacrifices herself. At the end of the movie, her boyfriend finds her crystallized form in the middle of a desert.

What can I do if my phone is Puk blocked?

This happened to me i just called up my service provider and in a matter of seconds it was fixed. Thats all there is too it.

Banks in South Florida with the highest interest rate?

What are the banks in South Florida with the highest interest rate. A link to the site that shows them all would be appreciated. May I add, ALL banks are included, even ones that only people outside the United States can have accounts in. I know that only Miami-Dade County has banks that are not common like "Bank of America" and "Chase", and they are mainly in Downtown Miami and Brickell, so if somebody knows a link and can post it I would highly appreciate it.

Why hasn't Congress demanded DNA proof from Rep. Bill Posey to prove he is not an alligator-human hybrid?

I am demanding a DNA test to determine whether Florida Congressmen are part alligator. I have had enough of the reckless whispering. But the rumor is, that the morning after the great Okeechobee Hurricane in 1928, Posey's grandmother got stranded with a gator, and fell in love. Now, obviously I don't want to go into any details, but they say the swamp rang with her screams of ecstacy, mingled with the insistent but gentle hissing of her reptilian Romeo.

Corner gas...amazing or stupid?

okso i love love love 'Corner gas'(ecspecialy Hank and Wanda) do you like it or do you think it is like stupid and unfunny?

In Star Wars where does all the stuff that isn't in the movies from? Who came up with it?

Like is there anything you can read or something about the other stories... e.g Han and Leia's kids.

How do I get my boyfriend to be more romantic and affectionate.?

I am a girl that loves to cuddle and be romantic and all that kind of stuff, but my boyfriend is totally opposite. He has expressed his love to me but in texts messages and things like that like he is too shy to say it in person or when he is drunk hell say it, but still. Why is it so hard for him to sit and cuddle with me for an hour and be well "cute". When ever we are with each other he wont really dit with me for that long hell get up and clean things or run around the house doing weird things that he says "needs to be done". I argue with him a lot and i seem to never trust him and he has given me reasons not to but for the most part i think i dont trust him because he never shows me he cares at least not in person. what should I do to get him to be more affectionate any advice?

Is the Republican Party serious with this man? (Giuliani, the 'Frontrunner') Is he an opportunist, or what?

and who is the democratic front runner oh yeah someone involed i na crooked land deal and had vince foster killed

Can Anyone Figure Out This CD Game?

This was a VERY old pc game that I only got to play once, from the 90's. I don't have much to go on, only that the name "clubhouse" appears in the title. I want to say "colby's clubhouse", but that's the name of a tv show, not this game. The namesake of the game was some sort of alien-like creature. You had to pick a face at the beginning of the game, but that's all I can recall. The game worked once, and then it crashed and I never got to play it again. Sorry for the thin details, but I hope someone can answer my question anyway!

Is my cat a possible hybrid? What breed does she look like?

She's a normal domestic short-hair kitten with a tabby coat pattern. Tabby isn't a breed just a coat pattern.

Im confused?

Em... Mystery gift works only on events you can't get Items you can only get Pokemon like mew etc. :)

How to deal with a crush . . . . . . . . . . . ?

You should just say "yeah, i sent you a gram I thought about how I would want one and thought you might want one too" something like that and let him know you don't hate him. He knows it was you, no need to hide it. He might be trying to figure you out, and that's why he is staring at you or he does like you and wishes to know if you really did send the gram. Either way he is thinking about you.

When a bat goes flying into the audience?

Does the fan get to keep the bat? I was just watching the Yankees game and Austin Kerns bat when flying into the audience and the lady who got hit looked hurt. Will some players from the dugout give her an autographed bat or what happens?

Give me some good jokes. Its not a question, its a command.?

what i do is look on google and just type in joke or text riddles always worked for me but don't say where u got them from lol

How To Write In A Man's Point Of View?

Since I was already a 19 year old male I can tell you that the primary focus of such a creature is . Hormones are racing and if he's not having or thinking about it, he's eating or sleeping.

I am a guy and would like to learn pole dancing, does anyone know where I can learn in Canberra, Australia

Men dance for a living just like women. All you have to do is watch how the women do it, then imitate them.

Can anyone help me? mystery snails..?

i have 5 mystery snails in a tank and i am trying to breed them (unsuccessfully i might add). i have put a filter in the tank and i have a heater in there but i am worried that when i have (if i have) baby snails that they will get sucked up the filter.has anyone got any suggestions on how i can prevent this from happening. i have the water level lowered and set the heater on 27 cel. i have heard to put a stocking over the filter but wont this still suck them to the filter?

What happens if the coroner dies?

I was just watching my local news and they announced the coroner in a nearby city has ped away. So who exactly fills his role in the investigation of his death and in the cases of people who die until a new coroner can take up the role? Do they just bring in one from a nearby town or is there somebody who has to step up?

What do think of these baby names? please, i'm desperate =/ HELP now?

Why don't you just name her : My mama is an idiot. Or you can just name her something that has good initials like AJ, CJ, KC, TJ, JD or DJ or ZJ (not BJ!) that way if she hates whatever stupid name you give her she can just use initials instead of embarring herself.

I was held back in elementary school and now I'm the oldest kid in the grade?

And the youngest kid in the grade is more than two years younger than me?? I feel like crap. I have no fricking idea why I was help back, I was never bad academically or immature for my age.

Do you think that maybe the reason some men feel resentment towards women is because they feel disenfranchised?

Everybody feels resentment over someone else these days and all days. They're puny preoccupations chanted by mobs of angry, puny people, and it should be pointed out instead of being coddled. Any silly group of such motivations shouldn't be coddled in the mainstream just because they contain enough members, either.

Does anyone know where I can order Frank's Gold Fever Zing Sauce Wholesale?

I'm having trouble finding anyone who will sell my the Frank's Red Hot brand of Gold Fever Zing Sauce. It's a Hot Wing Sauce and I really need to find it. I'd like either a case of 12 or a gallon jug of the product.

Xy = xz is y = z always true?

Im confused on this one, if you solve for z or y, you get y = z, but then i noticed that if you plug in zero for y or z, and a non-zero number for the other variable( x is still a variable, not a constant) you are left with a false statement.

Which one is correct?

The second one is correct. First, Grandfather will be a proper known because that is his name. Second, there are two subjects of the sentence, so the verb would be like.

FF VII in my psp keeps crashing!! HELP!?

oh so you just downloaded it illegally huh? Serves you right. Anyway just try bit torrent or limewire. Thats the only two I know of

Do you believe that most phobics are actually closet s?

I have found through my travels that most of the people I have met that are gay bashers and boisterous about their hatred of gay people, have hidden gay tendencies or fantasies and are scared somehow those that are ual....will see right through them. Therefore they stay as far away from the society as much as possible and figures if their friends/family sees and hears them bash gays then they must not be gay at all. Have any of you found the same is true in your travels? Most people that are secure in their own uality do not feel the need to bash someone else's ual prowess.

More On Martian Greenhouses?

Yes, there is absolutely a greenhouse effect on Mars. It's not as strong as on Earth because of the lack of water vapor, but it certainly exists.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What do you think of the movie Bowling for Columbine?

i think it was a good movie but there are various reasons as to the gun violence in america, mostly being the breakdown in morals that parents should instill in children but are too busy with trying to keep up financially in this greedy society, also the media (news, video games, movies, music) influences people more than they think, and also laziness- school officials need to do something when they see people being picked on, its part of their job to help ensure the well being of their students and the lazy people who dont keep up with their guns or fails to properly secure them enough to be able to have a underaged person easily take a weapon from them.

What are the true lyrics to Fader by Temper Trap?

I know that there are lyrics to this song posted on a few sites, but they are all kind of different. If anyone has the 100% official lyrics (maybe from the cd insert?) I'd appreciate it! Thanks!

Ranked 20 in the world black ops!!!!!?

my ffa( by far my BEST game mode)- never lost even when i come in late) i was ranked # 24 in the world as of yesterday but i am now around 35 becuz the boosters and hackers started "ging" after i stopped playinn FFA yesterday..... is 30 something in the world good 30 / 1,000,000 . what is ur highest score per minute rank and in what gamemode, i have made it 30 in the world about 3 month ago tho.

Please Help with last English lesson for this quarter in my school.?

1. Carefully read “The Summoner’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales which follows. Write two or three paragraphs in which you explain how the Wife of Bath might react to The Summoner.

Question about the movie BLOW?

When they run the credits, George Jung's real life daughter's name pops up as a Clerk in the movie. Does anyone know WHICH Clerk she is? I would just like to see what she looks like.

Americans Hate The British?

I've seen this question before and I think you should look at all the things the people from the UK have said about us. I believe you will notice that as far as insults go its pretty much 1000 (UK insults) to one (American). Most of the things said by people from the UK are unfair and ugly.

In a horrible teenage bestfriends & guys situtation! PLEASE ADVICEE!!!!!!?

longgg story, but ill make it short. This guy, Nico, that i recently started like again after not seeing him in like 2 yrs, and he just started to like me, we kissed today. So i got to tell one of my close friends because i was really exsited and she tells me she thinks our other close friend, Elizabeth, likes him to, because they used to have a 'thing' and she really liked him. Though i didnt know anything about their 'thing' , & i just found out. i called Elizabeth to make sure shes not made & ask if she still had feelings for him. she was in shock and still does have feelings for him. She also told me that she did tell me about thier 'thing' but i dont recall it not one bit & if i did know , i would never have done that. I relize now i screwed up, & now i dont know what to do. I fall into 2 wrongs. I could eathier continue my thing with him because i do like him, and he likes me.but then i can only hope me and Elizabeth will still be friends ( but i dont wanna do this because i love her and i dont wanna loose her as a friend) or i could make her happy and tell him i cant talk to him anymore because my friend still had feelings him , but then that makes me & unhappy. i know i shouldnt be selfish, but wat should i do!?!??!!? pleasee noe rude comments!? what should i tell them? thanxx in advanced.

Is it possible to be born with white hair (congential), have it throughout adulthood, and not be 'albino'?

yes you can! i know someone who had white hair and had it from the time she was born till now ans she is over 25. it is a birthmark. a few of her kids have it too. nothing else wrong just patches of white hair!

Wwe survivor series antholgy details your thoughts

hey guys just wanted to let everybody know that the survivor series complete antholgy box set will be released in november of 2009.what are your thoughts on this and what other anthologies do you think wwe should release after survivor series next november of 09.i would like to see a in your house anthology or a snme anthology or a small unforgiven anthology or something like what do you think let me know thanks guys later.

Does Anybody Know This Number?

Austin, Michaela, and Nicky, my friends, and I were googling hauntings in places and how to know if you are haunted or such. We came across a number, and read above it that if you call only on the hours of early 12 and 1, that you can hear a woman screaming for help. Any other daylight hours, the number becomes busy. I wanted to try out that number, and therefore, I cannot find it. Can anyone help me out?

How to make good friends?

I'm 16. I love to make a lot of new friends but no one ever came to and said "I wanna be your friend." But I'm really nice and easy (easy enough to accept anyone). I have a gentle spirit and I'm soft-speakin. I have more guyfriends (Only 4 tho) and 1 ladyfriend ( All the friends I have)...What's the problem? Who wants to be my friend?

What does the D3 and D4 mean on a honda civic?

my dad says its overdrive but i think he's wrong. please tell me how and when to use both the D3 and D4 gears.

Should I quit my job and write that letter?

If it starts to affect your health, you need to consider it seriously. A while back, I had a job that was so stressful, I can't sleep at night and I could feel my blood pressure rise. I have to walk away from it. There is not enough money in the world for me to continue to deal with all that none sense.

Can my neighbour uproot plants on the party wall?

My neighbour had a very established ivy plant, rooted in his garden, which grew up the party wall and over the wall into my garden. It had been there for years and was beautiful. Overnight, they have uprooted the ivy which has killed all the ivy growing down my side. To add insult to injury, it has pulled down another climbing plant on my side which had wrapped itself around. Did they have the right to do that without consulting me? I've spent hours having to pick up dead foliage - it just seems like such a waste.

DOes it mean anything to be tattooed in a dream ?

Hi guys I would like to know what it means to have a dream that someone is tattling different things on you body?:) so basically I had a dream that one of my friends were tattling different things on my body like on my back was a rose on the side of my shoulder was Mickey mouse and it was just different things ? Does it mean anything thank u !:)

What happened in the Happening?

Haha yeah that movie was awful but like in the way where you could tell they were trying to make a serious movie but they just failed.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Desperate...please help!!?

If you can use a computer , you can find all the answers to your home work yourself without asking on Yahoo Answers.

How much do vets get paid?

So my consular at high school asked me what i wanted to major in college that got my thinking (also every one at my school has consulars ) Anyway i really love animals so i was thinking vet but then i didn't want ot be a vet i really LOVE wild animals they have always fasinated me so what should i do? Also i really love beening outdoors ,mountians,forest,waterfalls,oceans.lake… woods. I always feel safe in the woods or forest (even though i knew i wasn't) So what do you think they get paid

Would I make a good actress?

I am hyperactive but cana get very serious very quickly. I don't have trouble changing moods extreamly quiclkly, and I have a love f or thearter well acting like TV I don't like being on stage like musicals i mean i dno't min dthem but their just blah...boring to me... but the bad thin gis my mom and dad wn't help me at all... I mean this is my dream! I've always wanted to become an actress but I don't know how my parents won't help they won't even let me have acting cles... I hate it, but I love it... I hate the parents not carin gpart I love the acting part... I'm fourteen

I need to come up with a good comeback?

i had this status on facebook that was saying i was so glad to see my boyfriend today! then this **** commented on it saying nobody cares, what can i say back to him? that will own him, and also not make people start on me?..

Will someone tell me if my girlfriend is pregnant or not? please help me i'm terribly upset?

She is not, according to the scenario. After 6 hrs, you are ok. Have her take a test if you are scared.

Do I need new skates?

i think i'd go with the laptop. you already have skates, and like you said. your laptop would help with school work. maybe if you get birthday money, save up for the skates?

Does one have to have lived to be immortal?

This depends on which angle you come at the question, but I would say that for something to be immortal it would have to exist forever, either by living or by being known about, like a myth or a legend. In a purely physical context, immortality is a physical reality,if you consider everything in the universe as a form of energy. Although energy can be transferred and take different forms, it cannot be destroyed, and is therefore, immortal. You can then go further and state that everything is immortal because everything comprises of energy. It's a very physical and objective stance on the universe, but one that is always fun to ponder. Great question!

How does Bankpruptcy affect my good accounts?

DO NOT FILE FOR BANKRUPTCY!!! The lawyer is telling you this because he wants your business ($$$). A bankruptcy will stay on your record up to 10 years, and th new bankruptcy laws do not just erase your debt like they used to. It may not include your good accounts, but credit card companies routinely check your credit reports to make sure you are in a good financial shape. A bank. would surely cause them to cancel their accounts. You first need to put a security freeze with the 3 reporting agencies so who ever opened these accounts can not keep doing it. I would then file a police report regarding the fraudulent charges and accounts. After you get a police report, sent it to the credit bureaus through certified or registered mail and dispute in writing all of the fraudulent accounts. It will take months, maybe longer to clear this up, but it is 1000000x better than a bankruptcy!

"Is CNN Ethically or Professionally Qualified" to Host the Debates? LA Times Asks that Question?

I think the fact that CNN (corrupt network news) actually edited the rebroadcast speaks volumes of their inability to give an unbiased news report or host a Republican debate.

How likely would I be to convince my boss that I can work from home the first year after giving birth?

I work for a fast growing church as their director of communications, but basically I am their graphic designer. I maintain the website, the biweekly newsletter, the Sunday bulletins, and many other publications. I feel confident that I could do my job from home if I had to (new born baby). How should I go about convincing my boss (the Rector) that I should be allowed to do this?

Names in Lord of the Rings - hidden meaning?

I'm only referring to the 2 Gondorian soldiers "Faramir" and "Boromir". Did Tolkien use Slavic meanings into names of characters? I certainly "Denethor" does not sound anything Slavic. But after realizing that "mir" meant "peace" or "world" or "prestige/precious". Also seeing the many names it gets incorporated into (Vladimir, Valamir, Brenimir, Casimir, Ratimir...etc) after observing the Eastern and Southern Slavic naming systems. There are many theories regarding the true backstory of Tolkien's work. It struck me when the names "Boromir" and "Faramir" came into mind. Anybody notice it but me?

Loss of appetite due to anxiety.?

I have an anxiety disorder and it causes me to have a loss of appetite. Lately its been getting worse. I don't feel feel hungry and it is difficult to eat resulting in being malnourished. Any advice to help me regain my appetite?

Which one of these names do you like the best (girls)?

I like Isabella Scarlett then Isabella Skye, then Autumn Michelle, then Hazel Bronte, then Hazel Eve, then Mallory Faye, then Piper Saige, then Roxanne Jade

Is our political life a grotesque carnival run by banksters?

John F kennedy said "there are unseen powers which are truly in control of the government".. a short while later he was inated.. the man who was caught proclaimed "I'm just a scapegoat"... what do you think?

Am i fat, overweight, should i lose weight?

Im just asking this because im obsessed with dieting and blah blah blah, but if you guys tell me im fine (hopefully) than i know i wont have to worry or count calories all the time. Here's the picture, im on the left (blue tanktop) a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How much?? helpppppp?

Best way to find out is search ebay for ongoing or recent sales of the same (or at least very similar) things and see what they went for (and how spirited the bidding was).

Will it eat my clothes?

Will a moth really eat your clothes if it is in your closet? Theres one in mine right now and its huge and I am a weenie... I cant get it out..

I love it that police use tattoos to catch criminals. What do you think about this technique?

tattoos have been used to catch criminals for a long time. sometimes a tattoo is all a victim remembers about their attacker. also, tattoos are often used to help identify dead bodies. i think using tattoos this way is very smart.

Who rejects this idea: Government is the no. 1 hindrance for growth?

Erh, depends on what your government has done to promote growth. If nothing, what have they done to stop growth. If nothing, they have not done anything, even to hinder growth.

What do I click on to get to Temporary Files?

I ran into eons of problems with my computer and ran the antivirus stuff and that didn't help. I called on my friend who is a Computer Technician. He found my temporary files and got rid of them. Later, when I went to look up the files and follow suit, I oculdn't find the Temporary Files. My friend got away before I could figure out what he did. I clicked on every icon conceivable and couldn't find "Temporary Files" anywhere.

I need help picking a first and middle name?

Let's look at this list, Bella is a nickname and Grace has been worked over for the last 20 years, toss it. I don't care for Skyler but how about Skyler Larae insteas of Larue? Rose is another one that is overworked, my daughter is 27, she and 80% of the girls in my Lamaze cl have the middle name Rose. I like Tessa but not with Rayne, if you like Rose how about Tessa Rose?


This guy and I like each other but i don't think i want to date him because he had mono like 4 and 1/2 months ago so i don't want to get it. He said "I don't have it anymore". But still i don't want the ******* disease. Can it spread to me still? he doesn't have the symptoms? How long till he's not contagious? Is it true it keeps coming back? Can somebody give me more info and firsthand experience about the disease. Thanks.

Bearded dragons out of their viv?

when i let my bearded dragons out of the viv for a run around the bedroom how long should i keep them out before putting them bck

Male or Female.....which is better..first time breed owner.?

A man i know is getting a heeler this is his first heeler. He wants to do trials with it. In our trials here the dogs MUST be intact. Should i get him a male or female? He is having me pick out the puppy. Ive prefered males. The man said it doesnt matter as long as it will listen and be agood working pup. This is his first "hard" breed. He has had border collies before but NEVER cattle dog or anything with a dominate/willful personality.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

GIRLS! what would you do if you found this love message in your Facebook inbox?

sounds a little CREEPish. just send her a casual message saying hi ask her how shes doing or what shes got planned for summer or as her to go out.

School tomorrow (sigh)...?

Ah yes. I have just arrived home from that delightful place. Apparently being excited about subject choices for nest year makes me an even bigger freak. We can add that to the list of things wrong about me, from my bushy hair to liking computer cl. On the plus side, I only have 6 weeks left this year!

Pest control comes to spray for bedbugs. What should i know?

You should know that if there are bedbugs in your bed, you should just chuck the mattress and box spring because NOTHING upon NOTHING gets rid of them 100 %!

First time Tattoo.. HaLP.....?

Hey guys... Its me Addie.. And I would want to ask you a question regarding Tattoos.. This is the first time i'm going to have a tattoo.. Actually on my shoulder.. I wanted to ask how much it hurts?? Cuz I have really no ideas about tattoos. So i was wondering if you'll help...

Thoughts on these name combinations?

I loooooove Isis Aurelia and India Margot. All of these combinations are gorgeous! Best list I've ever seen on Y!A.

Can I be trusted again by my boyfriend?

At least he has said he will talk to somebody and try to get some help! If you did lose his trust you just have to earn it back and it might take a whille! :) x

Who/when was your first realization that you were gay?

since i was like 5 i liked girls but i started to wonder if i could love girls and if i really am attracted to the same and then in 6th grade i had the biggest crush on this one girl........... but she moved and i was devestated! it was probably puppy love since i was in 6th grade but man..........

Taoism- What happens after death?

I'm writing a short paragraph for an ignment about Taoism and I would like to know what happens after death? Are you reborn? What happens to the soul? Is there a "release" from a rebirth cycle like in Buddhism?

Do you think i could cut the heel off doc martens boots?

the front part of the boot where your toes are might be bent a little too upright, but it might be possible

Who thought that Smackdown was awful?

I totally agree with your comment about edge not getting a clean victory. Wasn't his last major clean win when he beat Taker for the WHC? Cant remember really, but WWE need to fix it. He is jobbing to Hardy! He needs a good, clean winning streak.

Do i need a swimming costume for Typhoon Lagoon?

I ahve a nice new bikini but will it be unsuitable for the rides? Should i buy a good training swimsuit i.e slazenger, addidas (have an accesorize one but it falls down) even though i will only wear it when i go swimming with friends and when we go to TL? What do you think? Thanks in advance :)

Buying Manga In Japanese?

You could, but i you did want to read them you won't understand it ... but as you said if you just want to collect it then go on :)

How much are you spending on your bridesmaids??

I am spending $200 per bridesmaids and have 6 of them. Is that normal?? I see people on her talking about $20 crappy mirrors and tote bags...... isn't that too cheap?? Not to mention thoughtless! Don't people feel bad that their friends are paying $100-200 for a dress, shoes and showers and everything else!!!

Romace, Romace, Romace & Vampires Vampires Vampires books?

read Vampire Academy, House of Nights, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, The Morganville Vampires, Vampire Kisses, Sookie Stackhouse, Vampire Knight any gooood books with Vampires and lOts of Romace in it?it doesnt HAVE to be only vampires, humans are welcome too as long as the book is interesting, attention graber and not boring or a drag.

I'm flying from detroit (DTW) to chicago (ORD) to Tokyo (NRT), where will I go through customs? DTW or ORD?

I'm flying from detroit (DTW) to chicago (ORD) to Tokyo (NRT), where will I go through customs? DTW or ORD?

What do you think about insurance companies dropping Child Only plans?

No not at all, some people might only be able to afford ins for their child and not the whole family. It is all about the money and nothing about anyone's well being and health. It is very sad.

Dog Owners, How did you handle it when your pet died?

I had the vet do a private cremation which means I got my dogs ashes back. Most vets also offer a group cremation much cheaper, but then you don't get the ashes and your dog is cremated with other animals. THe ashes came in a wooden box which sits on my bookcase. Since I had to put my dog to sleep, I was able to make his last day really fun for him. He got tons of food and we played his favorite games (at least those he was still interested in) and took him for a really long walk. I also bought a kit at the craft store to make a ceramic paw print.

What does this quote mean, be specific, "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will

if you want something or you want to acheive something the only way your going to get there is by consistently failing and then picking yourself up and continuing to try. Persistence is key to acheiving anything....almost....persitence also leads to getting yer kicked sometimes too... but Calvin left that part out... prolly cause he woulda got his but kicked...

Omg Seriously where can i find mudd jeans?

I work in the Jr dept at Penney's and I ure you we do NOT have them- I used to work at Kohl's and they definately have them.

Which baby boy name would be better?

Jayson, Liam, Ashton, and Keaton. I've already decided that Eli is going to be the middle name. I think it fits with all of them. Any help? Im open for suggestion. Ohh, and if you don't like any of my baby names... be completely honest and be harsh, i won't be offended. Thanks in advance.

I bought a album from Emilie Autumn, and it still hasent come?

I bought her "Laced, Unlaced" about four or five weeks ago, and it still hasn't came. I went on her site and could not find any contact info. Anyone know how long they take to get here, or contact info to track my order?

What bag should I get for a Pentax k200d and a 18-55/50-200mm lens?

Just a simple cheap bag, with room for a camera one attached lens and another lens. It needs to have some extra pockets for the rest of my equipment(cords, batteries, etc). Under $50, and offering good protection(I'm not asking for anything that is indestructible, but it needs to keep the came safe from me, and my friends).

Friday, August 12, 2011

How did Benjamin Franklin help citizens of Philadelphia?

How does he make it a better life and my aunt keep argueing about it and she is starting to make me i kinda wanna prove her wrung.

What do I do with dough I took out the freezer ?

I made some roll dough that I was going to make cinnamon rolls with. I have the dough in a baggie and it has risen to double the size but no one wants cinnamon rolls. I don't want to make just bread. So I don't know what to make with it or can I just put it back into the freezer. Thanks.

Wanted: feather footed silkie, frizzle, or Sultan, where in Ks. area can I find these chickens?

These are all breeds of bantam chickens. Have not been able to find in my area, willing to travel, but not across country.

The “Great Tribulation”? Isn’t that supposed to be a Horrible Time of Blood Letting? Are We in the Great Tr..?

I haven't studied the Great Tribulation much. But the Bible does say that 'the day of the Lord is one of darkness, not light'. The Day of the Lord (and I'm not sure what that means) will be a terrible day.

My whites tree frog croaking?

My frog Miroku, out of all of my three frogs is the only one who croaks. He only croaks on certain nights and it's usually more than three times. Why is it? Why is he the only one who croaks? I've heard the others croak before, but Miroku croaks the most.

Racehorse hanndicapping question ?

If a horse is going for a handicap and wins its 3rd run would it carry less weight in its handicap if it finished 4th ??

Does anyone know how I can hilight/lighten my hari inexpensively?

pick up a highlighting kit from a drug store for about 10 dollars, they have all the stuff in them you'll need to do your hair safely.

Christians you're all going to the Pit of Athos if you don't renounce christianity and become Atheists.

Just trying to save your immortal souls. Wouldn't you rather spend eternity in the ClubMed of Athos , drinking Pina Coladas than in the Pit of Athos, watching Barney the Dinosaur reruns?

Do non-dragon-believers think that they are able to discern all things?

Things can exist beyond human comprehension. And with my human comprehension, I comprehend that beyond human comprehension lies an incomprehensible purple fire-breathing dragon whose name is Joseph, and I comprehend his incomprehensible personality perfectly and can describe all his characteristics.

I shot myself in the foot. Do I need to see a doctor?

I was practicing my quickdraw with my Colt 45 day 'fore yesterday in the family room, when all a sudden the dam thang just went off. Scared the hell out of Momma. She was watching Oprah and now she's a lttle deef. Anyways the bullet went clean through my foot, didn't hit no bones or nothin. I soaked some old rags in kerosene and stuffed in the holes top and bottom of my foot. There don't appear to be no infection...yet. Do you think I should go to town to see the doctor. I ain't got no insurance and no money either. I'll sure be glad when Obama gives everybody free insurance. And what about Moma's hearin. Think she needs to go get that checked or will it come back? She caint' hardly hear Oprah on the TV.

(Y&R) What Should Happen To Phyllis?

After the crap she's pulled with Brad and what she's trying to do to destroy a relationship between brothers all for the sake of destroying the life of a woman who's husband she took advantage of in his hour of need. I think it's time for the b**** to go down in the flames that designed her hair. How should the she-witch be brought to her ultimate destruction?

Does anyone know the name of this song by eminem?

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Which is a better place to live? Australia or USA?

I am considering moving from USA to Australia. I live in the American Southwest and love the open expanses and tons of recreation available. However I am growing concerned about the direction the USA is heading and not sure I want to raise my future family in this society that seems to be always heading down instead of up. What are the pros and cons of Australia as opposed to the US?

I posted this 18 times... I can't get the answer I want!?

you have got to practice , pretend he is in the room and close you're eyes then think of what he would say and then reply do this for a few hours not at the same time and eventually you will feel comfortable with him this is what i did

Poem: It would be great if you would comment and critique. Please?

It's lovely!! What a beautiful poem. It makes your arms tingle delightfully when you read it. Great job!!

What is the role of Mendel in "The Fiddler on the Roof"? Character description, does he sing any songs, etc.?

I just learned I'm playing the role of Mendel in the show but I've never seen the show before and know nothing about any of the characters. Is this a good part in the show? Does he have lines? Does he sing? What is his character? Is he in a lot of scenes? I need help!

How To Get Two Xbox's hooked up to one router and on live?

The 360 is not open to attack so does not really need to be behind a firewall. You could just buy an inexpensive network switch and connect your 360s to the internet through it. If you want to go ahead and setup your router, check the link below.

How do Break up with a guy who is in Jail, and tell him I'm love with someone else?

Had a guy friend of 3 years. Knew he was in Legal trouble We were both single and liked each other. He urred me that he could handle a relationship, and I told him I would not wait for him and not be his Gopher. If I was single when he got out then we might give it a go. It was a 6 month relationship that was about him and sucked the life out of me. When I talked to him it was like he didn't understand that he was "depleting me" then I felt guilty. He was not vulger but criticle, VERY excentric and was terrible with words of affirmation. Its to the point where I am incredibly angry at him for being such a taker and would have dumped him with or with out the jail thing. Even if he got out I still don't want to be with him. I also stayed with him out of guilt. How can I break it to his family, friends nicely with out bashing him but so that they understand? Then break it to him, but making it clear that he blew it and

If we make adolescence longer legally will this help and increase life?

Studies have shown the the "Adolescent" brain continues to develop into the mid 20's but I dont think a person is really an adult until the age of 30 cause certain stuff I dont believe a person under 30 should be doing like drinking,voting,having or signing a contract.The only reason they let an 18 year old fight in war is because of their lack of maturity and they are impressionable.The government is stupid for giving 18 year olds adult rights maybe in the past but now we know that the brain "Frontal lobe" developes between 25-30 and I also think education should be extended.

Jehovha's witnesses and Watchtower says that the New World Translaton is easier to read?

the new world translation is a mother used to be a JW, until i talked some sense into her....... the JW call christ a sepreate God (John ch. 1)...... and is a cult....... stick to reading the new king james and read God's word yourself without people trying to tell you what it means.... if you pray about it, then God will show you when things mean.....not some crazy JW...

What has made your day today?

Well, my mom's no longer angry at me, I wrote a very meaningful thing to my friend that made her so happy she teared up (I love making people that happy :D), and I got a question asked that was based off my name, so I'm a pretty happy camper when today started out kinda yucky X3

Do you think that their will ever be a time where their isnt enough dogs?

I think it very, very unlikely =( Some people will simply never listen to reason and will continue to breed dogs irresponsibly.

Is Theo Walcott the real deal?

I've been an Arsenal Fan (yes, there are a few Americans that love Arsenal).Theo is fun to watch and I can only think that his future and Arsenals future will continue to flourish.

Can i drive a minibus with a max of 16 seat's on a D1 category, which i have had since 1989.?

yes, I believe so,as long as it is not for hire or reward. The law changed in 1997 to restrict mini bus driving on an ordinary license. Because you ped your test before then you claim the right to drive under "grandfather rights"

Is it possible to decrypt/unencrypt an encrypted USB pen (don't know the correct terminology)?

As stated above, is it possible to unencrypt a USB pen with digital images on it that is encrypted? Obviously, I know about copyright etc but I am just wondering whether it is even possible to unencrypt or decrypt an encrypted USB pen.

How long and on which temperature should my clothes be in the dryer to remove bedbugs but without shrinking?

I would like to put them in dry, since they don't actually need to be washed, but don't know if that is possible. Thanks so much in advance.

Am i being naive or is this just a fantasy?

Hello. Weather it be naive,or just a fantasy,you owe it to yourself to know the truth.I am a firm believer in never let a one time chance p you by.In your case,a second time chance. More of a reason to seek the truth and get to the bottom of this. There is only one thing you can do. Meet with him as you would like to do. It would be the wiser thing to do. If he is your friend,then you should be able to talk to him and let him know what you found out.Do it subtle, do it over a friendly lunch meeting or something simple like that. If this does become a very awkward situation,and he becomes upset,you do not want it to be over dinner or at a bar or something like that.You know what I mean? There is nothing wrong with you wanting to know the the truth, especially after you just poured you heart out to him,and apparently did the same to you. Keep in mind, this engagement he is involved in just might have been due to the fact that he thought there was no hope for you two to be together. Although I do wonder why he never told you about it. Again, you owe it to your self to know the truth. There are many things I would have done differently in my life if I could go back in time, don't let this be one of those things you will be thinking about in the future. Set yourself free and seek the truth. You never know how things will turn out. Now that you both have exposed your feelings for each other , it should not be difficult,or out of place to talk about what is going to happen next. Just ask him where his heart is , is it with you or the other girl. He owes it to you to honest as well. At this point he cannot play you,for lack of a better word. He may have some heartbreaking news for you,or he may make you the happiest woman in the world.Just make sure if he says it's you ,give it a bit of time to know he is not trying to get some before he gets married. One thing is for sure,you will live on,you will grow stronnger and wiser with every new day,and everything you experience,this is just one of those learning experiences. Good luck and God bless!

Star Wars KotOR 2 Atton becomes a Jedi ?

I know that if I want to make Atton a jedi I have to go to Nar Shadaa and when the two Twi'lecs appear and ask me if I want to know something about Atton I should pay them and hear them out BUT I accidentaly said that I don'tt want to listen to them and I tried to fix this I went to another planet and back to Nar Shadaa but the two guys don't say anything even when I click on them . How can I fix this?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What song is this called?

K. I have this song stuck in my head and I like loved it. It was on 105.1 fm on 10/10/08. Some of the lyrics are My Ha hee My ya Hoo. Heeey heeey. I got my mind on money in a girls voice. And I guess ate or coming to the end it say's my life alot of time i think and between my life and it goes back to saying I got my min on money. Can someone help me plz. It's stuck in my is a good song and i love it. I would apprecaite, thanks.

Camp Pendleton...???...?

Could someone please tell me what Camp Pendleton is? My brother is getting transferred to Camp Pendleton from the base on Okinawa. One of my friends said that Camp Pendleton is a base where the marines train before being sent to this true? My family is very upset by this and we don't want him going to the front lines to serve a president that my whole entire family hates. Could you please tell me if his chances of going to the front-lines are high? Thanks.

Which is the best title for my story?

Definitely Love Runs Deeper it just sound thrilling and something I would definitely pick out and read.

Hoarding and astrology?

* I don't think hoarding is about love of things, or love of keeping. This seems to be about protecting oneself from loss. Most of the people I've seen have suffered some kind of loss- death, or a child moving out, or a divorce. The person then tries to insulate themselves from more loss. Whatever the "thing" is buffers them or replaces the missing loved one. This is an obsession, so Pluto is in the mix, or Scorpio, or the 8th house. In fact, now that I think of it, there must be water houses involved because of the secretive nature of hoarding.The 12th is irrational fears, so it may be part of it. This is a fascinating question, and difficult! Needs more thought. Thanks!

Kurt Russell, Antonio Banderas, Val Kilmer?

Do you see these guys as big name stars still? Do you think they will keep doing big name movies or fade into straight to videos and small roles / cameos? I like all these actors for the record I just want to know if other people have opinions on them. With the exception of Kurt's role in Death Proof I haven't seen them in much recently. I saw Val in a straight to dvd looking movie and I looked up Banderas and he's been doing spanish movies I believe.

Have tv with viera link and tools?

what is it exactly and how dose it work it mentions a sd card but what can you do and this card is it able to Store pic and music and movies all on one card at same time

Is it possible for me to legally dig up Michael Jackson & Marylin Monroe's Body...?

what if I went to Forest Lawn Cemetery and dug up Michael Jackson, Marylin Monroe's Elizabeth Taylor, and Farrah Faucet's Body and kept and/or ate the remains? I don't see anything wrong with this. Its not like they're alive so i don't see an issue. Would I have to get a digging permit from the Burbank city council first?suggestions???

1995-98 Bulls or 2000-2002 Lakers?

I believe it was in 2000-2002 that there was no competition. Malone, stockton, payton, reggie, and others were in their prime in the late 90s, while the bulls beat them, while those laker teams only faced the spurs and kings as the only good teams

Do you change your style of underwear for each occasion?

My buddy wears different styles of underwear in different situations...for example, at the gym = jockstrap, at home = boxers, formal wear = boxer briefs and board shorts = briefs. Personally I am a tighty whitey brief guy 24/7 no matter what I wear on the outside. What about you? Do u stick to one style of underwear or switch depending on the situation?

Would it be cool if y'all allowed my newly formed Barbershop Quartet to sing at the Prom...pic attached?

a href="¤t=barbershopquartet.jpg" rel="nofollow"…/a

Any deas for song lyrics to use for calligraphy in art!?

for art i must selected a song and write the lyrics as well as draw a picture that ties in with the lyrics! for example someone did "empire state of mind" and drew the skyscrs in new york, someone did rihannas umbrella and drew umbrella sort of thing! any suggestions of songs! i love my music and have picked way too many songs! any ideas?

What is wrong with my throat?

Over the past week I've had a severe sore throat on and off. Right now, the glands in my neck are swollen, my tonsils are inflammed and red/vainy with a weird crevice thing on one of them. My uvula is sticking to my tonsils and it hurts a lot to even swallow spit. I don't really feel anything else but tiredness. It's finals week and I figured I was just tired from that. Does it sound like I'm getting sick? What do I do? I'm drinking hot tea now but it's hard to drink because it hurts so bad to swallow.

Are Cheech and Chong Racist?

They have messed with this for years, and made some damn funny songs and skits.....They even have a song called "Mexican Americans"or...."s". So why is Cheech Marin not labeled as a racist bigot?

Is it okay to privately discuss your concerns with a senior member of staff before whistleblowing?

NO! definately NOT!!! That senior staff member was covering his and HE became the whistleblower ON YOU!!! You NEVER tell anyone within the inner circle!!! Now they are going to dig up every dirty thing you have ever done in your life, and your AXX will be gr!!! Watch and see how he twists evrything you told him! HE is going to be the good guy, because there is what they call honor among thieves! There is no trust when it comes to saving your own job!

MP3Panda problems. Please help!?

I've used mp3 panda for over a year now. They have been taken off line in the past as a result of copyright problems but they won a court case and continued to operate. There have been more problems of late on the site in terms of download problems, the free CD not changing, or totally unavailability of the site. This could mean that they are having server problems that became untenable so they decided to port over to another server. If that's the case, this could go on for a day or two until the port is finished.

La diferencia entre "prepotencia" y "chuleria"?

Whats the diff between them? My friend says prepotencia is stuck up and egotistical and chuleria is that u don't care about ur looks. I thought chuleria was rude or vulgar. What do they mean?

Why has Jp Morgans approach to organizing the economy not been successful in the twentieth century?

just remember JP Morgan was after growth for HIM and not for the economy. With this in mind, what is good for an individual is not necessarily good for the economy as a whole

Legal Help! Do you think I have a case?

Your insurance company is talking may have been a pre existing condition but it hadn't been diagnosed so you were unaware of it when you took out the policy Tell them you are going to sue them on that basis (they are in breach of contract) you could also think about suing the doctor for failing to diagnose your condition within a reasonable time, although I don't know whether you'd have any success should see a lawyer.

Would this bmx bike be good for me?

that sounds like a nice match. You can also look into a 24inch bmx bike. That is a good all around bike for your size. You are still gonna grow alittle more so 24inch would be nice.... Of course if you find one you like.... just my suggestion..

Men Only, this is what was told to me the other day by a Man that I have the utmost respect for. please reply?

I think you can say that men have respect for women. Women until recently have held a lofty position in society. However, male perspective on females and the pedestal is changing and they are being seen and now judged by male standards rather than the mythical female standard. This does not bode well for females in general.However, this is what the feminist agenda has done and women will be none the better for it.

Humane society or Vet to Euthanize ?

They both do it the exact same way, The Humaine Society I volunteer at takes the animal to the vet to euthanize the animal.

Will an Apple wireless keyboard work with a PS3?

hmmm.......not sure.....if its a bluetooth keyboard...then yeah it will work....not sure about other wireless keyboards

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why don't the Indian laws punish the husband's mistress?

I entirely agree with your observations and sentiments expressed herein.And perhaps that is one of the reasons and examples for the old quote,to wit,"The Law is an ***".

South Park episodes with Cartman?

Can anyone give me a list of south park episodes where Cartman and/or the boys act seriously and like professionals e.g "Lil Crime stoppers" or The cootie catcher one?

Does it ever bother u when people talk about the twilight series?

like when u really love something (like the twilight series) and then everybody else is like annoying or whatever and is all like "omg i looove this series soo much, i loove edward cullen hes soo hot!) when theyve never even seen him CUS HES A FICTIONAL CHARACTER IN OUR IMAGINATIONS. idk it just really gets on my nerves when ppl let a non-caring world know they are obsessed, when others like me love it just as much and dont go around annoying ppl with my blabber about how much i love edward cullen. does this ever bother u?

How to tell if someone is mad at you or is embarred to talk to you?

Ive been friends with this person for a while but now he wont talk to me weve been friends for 6 years btw. now he all the sudden wont evn look aat me... is he mad at me or embarssed to talk should i call adn ask?

Is this a good deal? 10 Points!!!!?

i just bought a brand new sony xplod 1200 watt 2 channel amp, 2 sony xplod 12 inch 1200 watt subs in a box, subs were used but amp is still in package. i bought it for 150 bucks. it sounds good but i was wondering if i overpaid and would a 1 or 2 farad capacitor be a good idea? Thanks

Is this weird at my Humane Society?

The prices do seem out of line for a humane society. It is more in line to be the prices for a rescued dog from a private rescue group. They usually charge about $300, especially if it is a pure breed of dog. Our humane society charges $25 for cats and $45 for dogs (all have a clean bill of health and have been spayed or neutered with all shots).

Human Evolution, Became a Religion with no Proof?

alot to read, but understand your thinking......we're all loking for the answers, and to them, I suppose its a far better theory to accept than that of being created

Sensitive skin or Rosacea?

Rosacea comes and stays unless treated. If you are a very fair skinned person - very light complexion - and tend to flush easily it may just be your personality trait! My daughter is very fair and often flushes red when embarred, excited, nervous, scared, sad or from crying! Everyones face can become red from wind and cold. If it just comes on you and you can relate it to an emotion and it goes away afterward then it is just a part of who you are and it is nothing to worry about. Many people find a woman that blushes charming. Many people also have those bumps on their arms. They get no heads!! I have often heard them referred to as dry skin bumps! Try a moisturizer made for sensitive skin such as one that is fragrance free - contains no perfume! If however this redness comes and stays you may have a skin condition that needs diagnosing by a doctor!! We cannot see it and are not qualified to guess what it might be! But I can tell you that if it is a skin condition the sooner you see a doctor the easier it will be to treat it successfully! Good Luck!!

Is this JEALOUSY ? Why doe s my exBF CARE if I am moving away and dating another ex ?

I'd be tempted to say that you two deserve each other; if only because nobody else deserves either of you.

problem with husband?

How selfish is he. That . I would in front of him, get off, then roll over and go to bed. F**k him.

I just wrote in first person God's purpose for existence, and then the universe's opinions.?

Kudos to you! It's Ironic how the worlds 2 opposite religions are equally false...LOL very nice and accurate translation of the two religions.

Who thinks that.. Ugly Betty Q?

i wish all that would happen but then there would be no SUSPENSE! no DRAMA! lol i think that charlie will get a miscarriage and so henry will be free to go to betty. but, while he's finding this out in arizona, gio makes a move on betty and she starts going out w/ him. then, when henry comes back, betty has to choose. lol its kinda out there, but w/e. i think marc will leave wilhemina and join daniel and alexis. i think he's a good guys on the inside. also, amanda will find out that her dad is a guy who works at mode that she never thought of before. this season is gonna be great!!!!

Was i wrong to forgive?

Okay so me and my friend have been best friends for about 8 years. We literally did everything together. She would come to my house after school until like 6 or 7 and then we'd hang out at school. I'd spend the night at her house every single weekend and we were practically family. Everyone knew that we came together everywhere so whenever one of us got invited somewhere they knew that the other was coming. However, a while ago, we got caught shop lifting. Stupid yes, we know. But when the security was talking to us she kinda threw me under the bus. Asking why SHE was the one getting in trouble, asked if they could show her mom the video surv. She was considered an accomplice because she knew about it, and distracted the lady. But i was the one who had actually put the products in the bag. Our parents had to come pick us up and we each got a fine. She's no longer allowed to come over after school and i can't go to her house anymore. For awhile i was really mad at her and hadn't spoken a word to her for like 3 weeks or something. She sincerely was really sorry and apologized like 30 times.And finally I caved in. Everyone was pretty mad that i forgave her. But they have to know, we've been best friends since kindergarten. Now we're in 8th grade. And that's honestly the only thing that had ever made me stop talking to her. My sister says I'm really stupid for forgiving her but i think that's dumb because her best friend/boyfriend has hurt her 10 times worse. And shes with him now. Anyways, should i have stayed not talking to her, or was i right to forgive her? Also, I'm not looking for a lecture on shop lifting. I already know now that its really stupid and not worth it at all. So thanks.

Problems w my hotmail account.?

What I did is...I accidentally deleted some emails, went to retrieve them from deleted folder. Highlighted them and clicked move to inbox. Now I cannot find the emails and all the people that I had emails from on that list, I am not receiving messages from them. And I know they have been trying to send me messages. Help anyone please?????

Why am I feeling severe pain across my stomach after exercising?

hi - I too run quite a bit and used to get this when exercising and when resting - I had it for years and it turned out I can't tolerate wheat and I would get shooting pains sideways across my stomach like stabbing knives. It's hard to describe but I never get this unless I eat wheat, even a small amount will do it. I did the blood test for Celiac disease (gluten allergy) and it didn't come up positive but I was already 3 weeks off wheat and felt so good I never wanted to eat wheat and then retest which is what I would have had to do to get an accurate measure. BTW, I'm a size 3 and am smaller, leaner and a flatter stomach since giving up wheat. Best thing I ever did - this also includes no barley, oats, hops, or bran. I can eat potatoes, corn, rice and quinoa which are better for you anyways. Don't know if this will do the trick but if you try it you will have to read labels as even Campbell's soup has lots of wheat additives. It's hidden in everything. Good luck!

How do you do y at Chrsitmas?

Wear a Santa hat and beard but show your body ily by wearing beach bikni clothes with Red.Merry christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you 2010.

Rate my fantasy baseball team?

In a 10 team league, this is probably a 9/10 (very good team). I don't think you really need much work on this team, but you could use another base stealer in your lineup. If you want to trade Lince, I suggest going for another second baseman (consider one that steals bases). Someone like Kinsler, Brian Roberts, or Brandon Phillips.

Info of Harvey Johnson in Bye Bye Birdie?

Other than the Telephone Hour, what's he like? Does he speak a lot? Does he sing a lot? How often is he on stage? Wondering about the play, not the movie, cuz they're kinda different. Thanks.

Is it just me...or is Bush wearing a yarmulke??

In modern contexts, it is also common for non-Jews to wear a simple kippah or cover their heads as a sign of respect when present at Jewish religious services.

What other informal greetings can I say in Japanese?

BESIDES Konnichiwa and "O genki desu ka". I tried "Nani ga atarashii desu ka" and a native Japanese person told me "Good effort, but that doesn't make sense..." :-)

Should you console an ex after his mother has died?

my ex boyfriend and i broke up about 2 years ago, then last year we met up again and dated for a while, we ended on a very bad note. He just vanished after 3 months of dating, no phone calls, msgs or anything. However i should note the first time we were together it lasted for over a year and i was the one that ended the relationship as we both were heading in different directions. Anyway the other night i found out, through a mutual friend, that my ex's mum had suddenly died last week. I sent him a message with my condolences and said, if you need anyone to talk to anything i am there. He took me up on the offer, but i am thinking should i continue with this in the long run? i felt so hurt by him when he suddenly left, but i do understand that he has no one to turn to right now(his father died a few years ago as well). He sent me a msg saying that the reason he vanished was because he started getting strong feelings for me again and couldn't bear for me to leave him again. What would you do in this situation?!

men only: Do you truly find the female body repulsive?

As a biual, I find males and females attractive. When I confessed this to a group of ual men, they reacted as though my tastes were "disgusting". I understand that men have no attraction whatsoever towards women but I didn't think it was a repulsion (like a persons response to rotten eggs) or that I'd be met by such disapproval.

What sewing/embroidery machine do you recommend?

I have been sewing for about 5 months now. I have been making outfits for my daughter (simple shirts, skirts). I would like to get a machine that has a ruffler on it, but I do not know what to look for. I would also like to start quilting with it. I tried on mine, but my machine just couldn't handle it. Lastly, I would like to monogram or put designs on my stuff if at all possible with the other criteria. I have been shopping online, but I just cannot tell which to buy. I do not mind spending money, but I don't want to waste it either.

I am excited to have an early spring (groundhog says so) and hoping for an early summer?

If you say this to someone and they tell you to "stop dreaming!!!" what is a good comeback to say to that person? I'm feeling a little feisty ( but not too mean :) )

How old is this liquor Bottle?

It's a clear bottle with the following words and numbers on the bottom. MeLrose, 3 lines of numbers, line 1 says: 55-54, line 2: 0-9, line 3: 25-0-50. It also says Federal Law Forbids Sale or Re-Use of This Bottle. How old is the bottle and how much is it worth?

What's a good website subdomain?

I'm looking for a really good website domain that isn't boring.. things like byethost,, and weebly are what i call boring. Wix is good appearance-wise, but that's all. I'm looking to host a forum and community website. I'm fine with any kind of subdomain. The easier the sitebuilder system the better. I also need a rather large bandwidth as well as memory space, as well as a large array of templates that are unique. Anyone have any ideas?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Regina Spektor Quiz: How well do you know Regina and her music?

you are a very good agent for the guy. But it looks like you are not reaching a large segment of the population

What would YOU do in my situation?

marry her so you can do it already. you'll only be together for like ten years anyway with that attitude.

Do any other biuals keep it to themselves because there's so many steroetypes it makes legit bi's look dumb?

I keep my uality to myself, I don't tell people I meet, or family members. I've been for about 4 years now. I know what you mean; I'm not promiscuous either. The umptions about s are rather annoying. It's like biuality has become more of a joke, like people who are bi are bi just for fun, nothing serious.

How do I get wax out of my hair?

My hair is thin and straight. Last weekend I tried to use spray hair wax to give it some hold and volume after I curled my hair, but I definitely over did it. That was almost a week ago, and my normally soft hair now feels sticky after many washes. It's completely unmanageable. Any advice?

Atheists / secularists - What is a good name for a political party ? ?

I have a question.......if 80+% of the country believes in God and 90+% of parents do not want the pledge removed or codoms issued to their 8 year olds, , how far do you think your listed core base would go before shooting itself in the foot?

Mangrove sanpper?

where around S.P.I.or Port Isabel is the best place to fish for mangrove snapper the swingbridge my favorite has been closed off I don't have aboat so fishing will have to be done from shore.I hear the old causeway is good,but how far out do you have to go?any other good places?

Is a man more or less of a "real man" if he forgives his wife for a single infidelity?

I think if he is a real man,he is going to forgive you even if you are pregnant with the other man's child .But you should work on weakness of cheating on him and be loyal to him.Do you think he can not cheat on you? yes! but because he loves you, he remains loyal and faithful to you regardless of what you have done to him.It is not easy but you should try and do the same.Good luck.


HELP partner is being induced tomorrow never been a dad before don't know wat to do i am running around like a headless chicken hav never been so scared in my life i need some tips to be there for my partner and baby genuine replys only please thank you

What is the name of this movie?

I've been trying to find this movie. It was probably came out in the late 80's to the early 90's. It's about a boy who fights with his parents and then runs away. He subsequently finds a gl wall in the middle of a glade, and finds a hole in it. On the other side he finds a whole different world, filled with different types of creatures. He encounters this evil man, who at the end holds him hostage above nothingness (eternity maybe) or a giant black expanse that never ends. The man kidnaps the boys parents and forces them (hypnotizes them) into playing this awful game. The parents lose the game and the evil guy tells the boy that he is going to kill them. The boy escapes and goes back to the other side of the gl wall only to find his house on fire and his parents dead. I saw this years ago and can't seem to recall the name of it.

Abnormal moles and cancer?

Not all moles are cancer. It is the one's who suddenly change or have irregular borders or shapes that you must watch out for. However, given the fact that CA runs in your family, save your worrying and go see your family physician and get a professional opinion.

Should persuasion and logic be the main tools of a ruler or government vs force? ?

rules by force never work and usually cause a government to implode thats why you have the American dream factor, because even though everything is controlled and regulated, their is always the chance to strike at rich and go above and beyond the rule of law and government making it seem as though there actually is no rules or regulations but if u cross your left foot over your right the wrong out they might get you

Help potty training an abuse victim?

Try telling her that big girls use the potty and that when she uses it she will be a big girl. If you dont want to try that try giving her pennies or dimes or quarters as a reward. As she starts to use the potty go with her and tell her everything is all right and nothing is going to go wrong, etc. Maybe if she has a teddy bear, let her bring it on the potty with her. As for throwing toys into the potty, cover the potty before she uses it and maybe to get her to sit down just pick her up swing her around and set her on it. Maybe if she still won't try maybe try to put her on the big toilet. I've never dealt with an abused child before but i sure hope this helps and sorry it was so long!!

9 Month Old Fighting Sleep, Naps, Bottles.?

my 5 month old is exactly the same doesnt want a bottle i have to rock him to bed but he still fights it,,etc, my little guy is teething so i think it is due to that, anything new going on teething or anything it could be due to that good luck

Here is a hot one from mikea109: "The Confederacy was never about slavery !" What do you think?

Slavery was one issue but it was about states rights and economics. Winston Churchill wrote a book about the Civil War and he has a some different points you need to consider.

Do you know any good colleges for becoming a coroner?

im on the fritz about knowing who or what i want to be but this is one of them and id really appreciate if could help me.PLEASE!!!!.I NEED YOU.

Throwing up after exercise?

The same thing happens to me sometimes after I work out. Try not to eat or drink too much right before your workout. Be sure to eat plenty and drink plenty of water before your workout, but give yourself a couple of hours to digest before your workout. I find this really helps for me. Also, with the water, you definently don't want to be dehydrated because you will feel sick, but unless your workout is super-long, don't drink during it, only before it. I'm definently no medical expert, but this is what has worked for me, so it might work for you.

Am I using correct grammar in this german ignment?

Also the "I will" doesn't fit. If you meant "I'd like to", it's "ich m�chte", if you meant "I will", it's "ich werde"

Which dog food is better?

I suggest Eukanba. However, you should ask the breeder/pet shop where you acquired your puppy from what food it has been eating. It isn't good to change food suddenly especially when they are puppies. If you want to switch, add a bit of the new food to the original food and gradually increase the new food and decrease the original food, this way your puppy should have no problem getting used to the food! :)

Why would a chemotheutic drug kill bacteria but not humans?

In what ways would it act selectively on bacterial cells? We're going over a chapter on membranes and tonicity, would either have anything to do with it?

What are your thoughts on this method of Holocaust training this is being used in some schools?

I have serious doubts about this so called training. The holocaust is now history and it has to be remembered that it was not just Jews that suffered. Why are the rest forgotten such as mentally handicapped ,Gypsies. Russian POW's and even s . This could be included into their history lessons but certainly NOT Holocaust training. Perhaps we should "train" our children into the events in Israel who seem to be doing the same thing a their persecutors.

Fish Oil Capsules....they are so big, do you swallow or break them and get the oil inside?

Hi, this has got to be one of the stupidest questins ever. But I bought fish oil capsules and they are really big and I can swallow them but I just realised they have like a plasticy clear thing around them and the oil is inside. Do you haveto peirce the capsule and drink the oil or is the plastic stuff around it eatable? I know tis silly but I dont know lol Buy History- Does it show up on your credit card bill specifically as to what you buy?

I found a great deal on a gift for my mom. However, she still has control over my bank account, and whenever she pulls up her account, she can see mine. (the with drawls and deposits) If I bought that item off of, would it show up as the specific item on my card history? Or just the website/business person that I bought it from?

Lymphoma and disability?

My dad was diagnosed with non-hodgkin Lymphoma stage 4. We couldn't work. Can he be catergorized as disabled person. He need to get medi-cal. Thanks.

How do I know if my Netherland Dwarf is pregnant.?

We let our male and female bunnies in together and the male jumped on top of the female and started mating with her. After about a minute and a half he stopped and started preening her. Will she be pregnant even though he is 5 or 6 months old and she is 2.5 years old? When I go into her cage she starts squeaking and won't let me pick her up. Also we tried putting them in the same cage and she started squeaking at our male rabbit! Is she pregnant?

Do you like the song by Bruce Springsteen "Born in the USA?"Have you ever REALLY listened to the song's words?

I'm not sure why Reagan had it as an election song. But I still like it even though it's not praising America.

I'm really in need of a car stereo expert !!!!?

My sweetheart got me an aftermarket stereo & installed it in my 2003 Honda Civic Lx Coupe. The stereo works fine, however, my taillights, dash light dimmer, alert noise for headlights on or keys in ignition do not work. He thinks it has something to do with one of the that the problem? & if so, where is it located on my car? I really appreciate any kind of help or advise!

Any un-social Moms out there?

i choose to keep myself to myself too every-time i go to the school i see all the parents yakking it gets to me they really annoy me because half of the time they are talking about other parents and no doubt i have been on the receiving end of the gossip too because i choose to say a quick hello and that's about all they know about me i choose not to join in the conversations as i am reserved and i don't like people knowing my life story although i don't lead a interesting life i still like it to be private so i don't think your anti social i just think you are reserved and private there is no harm in that

I want to be a novelist ...?

Just keep working on it and go over it over and over again. You could ask one of your teachers you might know that is an excellent writer to read it and see what they say.

Found a fry in my fishtank? Hellp?

Ok so we had a pregnet guppy that deyed like a week ago and when she did my mom squeezed the babbys into the tank for the other fish to eat .. But lastnight i saw a fry in the tank it diddent look like a guppy it looked more like my platys i have but my platys werint pregnet .. It was like a cm long and oring also in the tank i have 2 neon tetras a male and femal plattys and 3 striped fis i never rember the name of so ennyway is this a babby platty or a babby guppy ( my guppy was in labor when she dyed) and she was ded in the tank overnight also ihave alotbof decoratipnds in the tank for the fry to hide and i cant seem to find it agen so taking it out is not a option.... I on acason c that its thar. What shold i do ? Keep my other fish well fed also i have a uncountabul amount of snales in thar that we feed algy pellits and we freed our fish flakes .. Thanks and sorry about being so long tryed to giv as much info as posibul

What do i do im seing things and feeling things ?!im seeing spiders everywhere although i know they arent rea?

im seeing spiders everywhere although i know they arent real i feel them on me too although i know they arent there i cry andscream untill morning and then have to get outta the house. my mom doent care and just grounds me even though i am probably a walking psycho. she takes away all the important things in my life too also think i have ocd and depression and bipolar cu my parents had that and so does my sister but my mom wont take me to counsiling and only cares about herself i always tell her these thingsss and she grounds me and takes away my only time with friends ): help what do i do to make this all stop ?

What is crude/disgusting/weird that hyenas do?

They basically swap genders appearance wise. The females oris is enlarged to look like a and their labia are enlarged to look like testicles. They give birth through their . Most of them don't survive it.

Is America "Just Downright Mean"?

do you think obama shares michelle's sentiments that are likely infused by rev. "God damn the USA" wright? Old news? No, relevant news since he is running for POTUS and sat in the pew for 20 years.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hello: I need to pick up parts for a Pinball Machine. It is a Brunswick Alive "Elvis"from 1977?

The Metal brackets that hold the two Coils ,when you hit the left and right ons too make the flipper hit the ball are broken.

Does Sean Avery from the New York Rangers, always talks trash?

He does all the time....he's an idiot. During one game against the Islanders, he tried to start something with DiPietro, and Ricky came out of the net and punched Avery square in the was beautiful (you don't mess with Ricky)...

Ipod Touch/Iphone: Anybody know any cydia sources to download psx roms.?

I know your all going to say: but that is for installer I need cydia!! (Hence check what the source is for before you post)

Interpol (ICPO) Cases?

What are some very well-known cases in which the ICPO Interpol was involved and effected the investigation in a positive way. Cases where Interpol did a good job in catching criminals.

Should I work for Dyncorp F-18 MNX in PAX Maryland? ?

I was prior service doing Maintenance on the F-18. I currently live in Los Angeles, CA. and got offered a job working on the same aircraft with Dyncorp in PAX Maryland. Thus far, I heard a lot of negative things about Dyncorp. I just want to know if the move is worth it? The pay sounds good, but wasn't amazed with the cost of health benefits. I do have other options here in CA. Any past experiences would be helpful.

Milestones say babies should say 5 words at 15 months?

Every baby/toddler is different. My son is also 15 months. He says mama, dada, ow-ow, duh, hi, bye-bye.

I want to be stationed with my boyfriend, is it more likely if we get married?

My boyfriend and I are both in the military. I love him death, lol! We both got stationed to Japan, unfortunately He's in mainland and I'm on that little island Okinawa about 500 miles away from mainland. We both will be here for two years and after our two year tour, which should end the same time, (because we got here around the same time) they will station us back to the states somewhere, and theres a chance it will not be in the same state. We were lucky we got japan together. My question is, if we decide to get married out here, will they station us together after our two year tour out here? Thoughful answers and experiences with this will be greatly appreciated.

How do i get invincibility on star wars battlefront renegade squadron??

To unlock invincibility, press the following on sequence at the game's profile menu: Up, Down, Up, Triangle, Circle, Left, Right, Down.

Can a 17 year old buy "azo yeast "?

my friend has a yeast infection and wants to see if this works first before asking her mom to bring her to the docters.

Anyone have tips for cheer tryouts?

I'm in the sixth grade and i'm getting ready for cheerleading tryouts for middle skool. I hav never been a cheerleader or takin tumbling, but i am a competitive dancer and im very flexable. i can do both side splits, almost hav my middle splits, toe-touch, cartwheel, roundoff, bridge kickover, handstand, pike, and most of the basics. Do i hav to be able tumble? How can i make my tryout amazing? as far as i know, i hav to do a pike, toetouch, herkie(both sides) splits, a small dance, a couple cheers, and come up with movements to cheer with words we r given. any tips for my cheer? all my friends r on allstar teams and i know theyll make. Tryouts r in less than month. HELP ME!!

Babyface Nelson Report Visual Display?

what is a visual display i could use for a speech on babyface nelson besides a powerpoint or poster?

What is an equation that works out the degrees west of the prime meridian?

I have worked out that time changes one hour every 15 degrees, but i cant seem to click an equation into it.

Need a advocacy group to review my dispute and contact Bank of America?

for four months visa through b of a has debited my wamu bank account. I have been successful in recovering three of the charges. i need an advocacy group or company to take my case to bank of america and get this last charge returned to my bank.

What bowling ball should i choose?

I am a ok bowler. I have been bowling for 3 year. my current average is 127. I had a Renegade Glow bowling ball. I am a Straight bowler but i bowl diagonally from the 3 mark to the center mark.Please give me your opinion.

Is it possible to get calluses on your ? (serious discussion only plz)?

Strange question, I'm aware, but me and my buddies got shitfaced on Friday night and it came up in our conversation. Anyway, my buddy Tim claimed that he got so much action that he had calluses on a his , so instead of ruining the buzz of the night by looking at my bro's junk to see if he was lying, I decided to ask the question here. It sounds preposterous, I know, but now I'm curious. So if anybody here is a medical specialist, specifically a urologist, I'd really appreciate a serious answer. If you really can get a callus on your , would it enhance pleasure for your girl? Would there be any techniques I could practice by myself to encourage callus growth and hardening? Would it decrease feeling and therefore increase ual endurance? And If it isn't possible, why isn't it? Is the skin on the that much different from the skin on your fingertips? I remember a news special a while ago about some guy who lost his in an accident and then replaced it with one of his fingers, so it should be possible, right? I'd appreciate any medically relevant answer you can provide me with, thanks. :]

If i quit my job can i collect unemployment?

i was hired for a office istant and ended up being a nanny for 2 kids. also, hostile environment with employer and her husband. constant yelling and obscenities. very uncomfortable and unprofessional. couldn't take it anymore. had to leave.

Who of these hypothetical people will go to the Christian Heaven?

No my place to say, but if I had to guess, probably all of them. The least likely would be the last one, the Christian who never prays or asks for forgiveness.

EBay Alternatives - Where can I successfully sell now?

I've used a href="" rel="nofollow" in the past, but I think they no longer accept sellers from outside australia

How Do I Tell My Boss That His Breath Stinks?

He talks to me over my shoulder while I'm on the cash register and I am afraid to turn around and look at him for I might catch a bigger whiff. I try to hold my breath but his conversations are long. It smells like a rotting carc.

How do i....??

my friend used to do the same thing. i bought he some stuff that i said i liked, that i didn't. and told her her hair looks good a different way. some people can't find their own identity. just help her out a little.

Movie, Hereafter any good?

Im watching it tonight. I love Matt Damon and Clint Eastwood i think their so talented and amazing. I think its going to be a really deep and meaningful movie, Opinions please? Was it any good? I've seen a few reviews. Some say its Amazing. Some say its a Disaster.

Can you get progressive lenses with no magnification at bottom?

I'm extremely nearsighted, and the thick lenses for my nearsightedness distort my vision up close. My up close vision, however, is excellent, and I'm much more comfortable reading with my normal vision than with magnification. Is it possible to get progressive lenses for distance at top, mid-range in the middle, and plain gl with no magnification at bottom? I've had these gles for 8 months now, and that magnification still annoys me. With my normal vision up close I don't need to find the "sweet spot," but with these lenses I do. I still end up taking them off to read, which is what I was trying to avoid by getting the progressive lenses. It seemed as if the doctor took one look at my age (47) and insisted on giving me the magnification even though I said I wanted just plain gl at bottom. Even in his office I told him the magnification for reading was both unnecessary and annoying. Is it possible to get lenses made this way or not?

My dog bit y best friend? is he aggressive?

wellll my friend picked up my lab mix and he is 120lbs he broke his back leg 1yr ago and she grabbed his leg and he bit her hand and under her eye should i put him down???

I think this guy likes me, do you think so?

Yes yes yes yes he does like you :D I for sire don't have guys telling me I like you a lot. That's how he's telling you. Good luck

What happens if you're arrested while on probation?

Today my boyfriend was arrested for driving with a suspended license. He's on probation for larceny (I think)... or something along those lines. The guy at the jail told me he'll have to stay at least 10 to 14 days without bond. Is that true? Because he's the only source of income for us and our daughter. How can they deny him bond? Does anyone know about this sort of thing?

What does it mean to be gay,lez or bi?

well I'm bi and I've gone out with girls but I still consider myself bi because I still get attracted to guys AND girls. I mean if you see a girl you knew was bi with a guy, would you consider or say she's straight?

Would You Punch Someone in the Face?

No, I don't believe in violence. If someone was to hit me in my face there is a good chance that they will get hit back.

Boy with girl problems?

she came down here a few months ago and we hooked up n stuff n she said it felt like it meant smthing when we did and yeah ive been up to chch a few times in the last few weeks and seen her n stuf and she asked last weekend wat we were like if we were going out or whatever cos she didnt know and doesnt kno wat she wants n stuff and then this weeknd she txted me.and she was saying like atm she wants sumthing casual or just to be mates and that she likes me but doesnt kno what she wants.n she said she needs her space n stuff and yeah i jst dono what to do now. yeah she said she hasnt been in a situation b4 and yeah i dono maybe shes js confused and doesnt know or maybe she doesnt like me enuf.. and its her bday in a few weeks and i was planning to go up there and see her but i dono if she wants me too now or if i sud even txt her cos that mite not be giving her space.. lol. what do i do, suggestions on how girls think...

Visual Basic 6 - Security Programming Questions (Multiple)?

VB6.0 is not the better choice for such programming.. If you need to use VB6.0 you might need to call win32 api from VB6.0

What did Rory Williams mean when he said...? Doctor Who?

He's thinking about the effect the Doctor had on Amy. She was young when she met him and went to go to four counselors afterward because she couldn't stop talking about her "imaginary" friend.

Should I buy 4x4 or AWD and why?

I think that you should buy a 4 x 4 based on the info that you said you need a car that can drive in tough winters. An all wheel drive would also be good but 4 x 4 is better for driving in snow and off road....

What do addies look like such as or, etc.? Thanks mucho!?

Someone sent me their home addie in .rtf format and it has the underscore and I've tried the dot and they all bounce back. So I just mean typically, what does use (not hotmail, only msn). Thanks again.

BYU Biology 9 Question: When does dehydration synthesis of lipids occur in your body?

C...dehydration synthesis of lipids creates fat molecules, which are then stored in the adipose tissue. When your body needs the energy from fat, it will break down the fat molecules by hydrolysis and use up the energy.

Who can I sell my Queen Wrought Iron Bed to?

I have a queen Garden Gate wrought iron bed that I need to sell as I have downsized and really don't need anymore. It is from a fine furnishing store called ernut Hill. I spent close to $2000, however willing to let it go for $750/or best offer! I have tried consignment shops however they want half the proceeds. Is there someplace I am not thinking about?

Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning?

Does anyone know when Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning will be released on DVD in the UK and where can I buy it from?

I need love (Girls Advice Please)?

Stop bedding so many different girls a week. A potential gf may think you're a player for always being with different girls just for . If you want something long term, you have to ACT like it. A guy who is always having with other girls doesn't exactly scream "long term loyal guy," more like "cheating player." Now, I know you may not be, but to a girl who doesn't KNOW you, will think you ARE just a cheating player.

Hezbollah and its frolics... Isn't it time to put an end to the terror?

They definitely should gang up and destroy hezollah but it is insane to think that they will then they would be joining the jews and they wont do that. But they are the only ones who can because if we try it will be WW3. muslims, and communist countries against the christians and jews thats where i think we are headed.

How far is it from the democratic republic of congo to dodoma Tanzania?

i forgot my book at school and i really need help because i cant find the answer on google or anything. thank you!

Pre algebra...?

a cone shaped icicle on a gingerbread house will be dipped in frosting. The icicle is 1 centimeter in diameter and the slant height is 7 centimeters. What is the total surface area? need help with this one. Helpin my daughter with homework and cant figure this one out!

Question to all of those who waited until marriage...?

.Very few guys are virgins at 18yrs.Even fewer believe in the sanctity of marriage.Your own situation endorses this.You don't want to wait.In fact you doubt the whole premise. outside of marriage doesn't cement a relationship. Ask some of these single moms where the fathers are

How will my I-phone be replaced?

You will get an iPhone 3GS. You could ask for an iPhone 4, but they will probably want you to buy one, but it won't hurt to ask.

Best Fantasy Football League?

What's the best money FFL? Payout percentage along with live scoring and personal knowledge that they are real and not a scam. Meaning that you actually know that they pay off,

Should the following people from NCIS date?

Hahahaha ooooooh I always thought of that too! I think that Ziva and Tony like each other but they are both just too stubborn to admit it! And I agree with you about Abby and McGee, too! Hahaha that would be so funny :) I love NCIS :D

Do you have to become a residential real estate appraiser before becoming a commercial appraiser?

I know that you have to have a Bachelors degree before being able to take the test to become a commercial real estate appraiser but is it a requirement to get a residential license first?

I've had my parakeet for 7 days now... what am I doing wrong?

He still is very jumpy and afraid of us. I have two small children, so I try to keep them from startling him. But I still have to live my life, like vacuuming! I've read articles and thought I was doing everything right. He will let me get my hand within an inch of him, but any closer and he flies around the cage or jumps from perch to perch away from me. He does seem interested in us, today he was near the front of the cage and I was talking to him, he just sat there and seemed entertained. So why is he afraid still? Hes a good eater AND pooper thats for sure! Though he wont eat anything other than seed or millet spray... what do I do next?

I have a question about using Midi with Cubase Studio 5?

youtube > search for Cubase Studio the way, ive heard webcam drivers can cause cubase to malfunction, probably cuz they have a mic built-in but not sure